4 Simple Tips To Help Improve Your Oral Health

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Our oral health is really important and is something we should always make a priority, but often information can be quite overwhelming about where to start. So, we’re here with 4 simple tips that you can easily add to your oral health routine today, without making huge changes or sacrifices to your current lifestyle. Make a positive change today to look after your oral health, protect your teeth, mouth, and gums and help prolong the life of your natural teeth.

Drink More Water

We’re starting with a really simple tip, which is to drink more water. Drinking water throughout the day helps to encourage the production of saliva, which is really important for our oral health, as it helps to wash away unhealthy bacteria in the mouth which can cause plaque to build up, eventually leading to tooth decay and potentially loss.
Additionally, the process of drinking the water itself also helps to wash away unwanted food, sugar, or bacteria in the mouth. So, aim to drink 7-8 glasses of water a day, especially focusing on having a drink after you’ve eaten a meal. This will help you to wash away any residue, encourage the production of saliva, and generally keep your mouth healthy. It’s even better if you replace a couple of sugary drinks throughout the day with a glass of water!

Book A Dentist Appointment

The next positive and simple thing you can do to improve your oral health today is to book a dentist appointment. You should be seeing your dentist and hygienist every 6 months as a minimum, as they will be able to identify any issues with the teeth, mouth and gums that you might not pick up on, as well as advising on ways you can improve your oral health routine at home.
This can be a much more cost effective way of looking after your oral health, as well as a healthier one, as rather than waiting for an issue to arise and likely having to pay quite a lot of money to have it resolved by the time you realise it’s an issue, issues will be less likely to develop into a serious problem. They can also advise on other things that could improve your oral health, for example they might recommend that you have Invisalign in Wakefield to straighten your teeth and make them easier to clean.

Snack On Crunchy Vegetables

Another great thing you can do for your oral health is to snack on crunchy vegetables! Not only is this good for your health in general, as crunchy vegetables make a healthy snack because they are nutrient dense, but as they require quite a bit of chewing it helps to clean the surface of the teeth to remove plaque or other food residue. They naturally clean the teeth, as well as encourage the production of saliva, which as we’ve discussed also helps to wash away unwanted bacteria. Plus, they’re high in a wide variety of nutrients that are good for both our oral health, and our overall health.

Use Toothpaste and Mouthwash Containing Fluoride

Lastly, another easy change you can make is to use toothpaste and mouthwash that contain fluoride. These products aren’t much, if any, more expensive, and the ingredient fluoride helps to make the enamel on the teeth more resistant to damage caused throughout the day by different foods and drinks. It’s important that after using your fluoride toothpaste, you don’t rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash for at least half an hour, to allow it time to take effect. For example, if you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste in the morning, wait until lunchtime to use your mouthwash. This will help to keep your teeth in the strongest position possible. If you’re unsure on the right products to use, you can ask your dentist at your appointment and they’ll be able to advise what would work for you specifically.

Final Thoughts

We hope that this information has been helpful and shows that looking after your oral health can be simple. Incorporate these things into your routine and you will realise how easy they are and it will have a positive impact on your teeth, mouth and gums over time. Your future self will definitely thank you for it! If you have any questions or concerns about your oral health, make sure that you always get in touch with your dentist and they should be more than happy to help with whatever you’re struggling with.



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