5 Tips for Caravan Survival on A Family Road Trip

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Winters are on and it is vacation time!  You can probably think of a road trip with your family. So it is a time to get your wagons and caravans out, time to go on an adventure with the people you love the most. Caravan trips in Australia are extremely fun and full of adventure and thrill. The caravan camps organized at various places across the continent have so much to offer, you just need to decide the place you wish to visit on this caravan trip. It would need a bit of research at your end.

However, before you are on to the road check your wagon carefully, as you don’t want to take the chance and get stuck in unexpected breakdowns while enjoying the trip. There are times when you are in middle of nowhere and your car stops with jerks and bumps, this would be the worst nightmare if you realize you do not have enough equipment to assist you. To avoid a situation like this you need to visit a service station or try and check few things on your own before you start your road trip. Few very basic things you need to look for:

  1. Car Fluids- Check the fluids level in your wagon. Check the oil, coolant and brake fluids before you start a long run. This will help you prevent any breakdowns and accidents. Check the level of the engine oil, a long trip may put stress on the engine. Get it changed by a professional as they will clean the oil tank to the core and clean sludge of the tank as well.

  2. Air Pressure- You must remember the lower and the upper limit of the air pressure to be kept in the tyres, and get it checked before you start a trip. You can carry the easy-to-use portable air pumps to fix that flat tyre or even to maintain the air pressure during the trip.  Not to ignore the air pressure and the general condition of the spare tyre as well. You need to check the condition of the other tyres too. Excessively worn out tyres need to be changed.

  3.  Battery-You definitely want to avoid the black outs in night. Do get your lights and battery checked before you are on the run. It is winter time and you would want your blower to work fine, you must check it is working as well.

  4. Air Filter- A full supply of clean air is really required. This can help in the enhancement of the wagon’s performance. This calls for the cleaning of the air filter. Also, ensure that your windscreen is clean and crack free for better visibility.

  5. Brakes- Conditions of accelerator is important but not as important as that of the brakes. Brakes need to be checked for sure because brakes are the saviors in any abrupt case of unexpected threats. You might need to get your wagon checked at servicing shops if you don’t want to take any chance. Conditions might be worse enough for the brakes that you land up buying brake parts at auto parts Ballarat.

It’s always suggested to keep some safety and emergency equipment inside your car. Also check if all your equipment is working properly. You can keep, duct tape, lighter, Swiss knife fire extinguishers, flash light, medical kit, car equipment like spanners, car jack etcetera .You may consider keeping maps and GPRS.



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