Difference Between Criminal Injuries and Personal Injuries

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Every country tries to focus on peace. They also try to give their nation a secure and peaceful environment. Environments where they can work, shop, or eat meals outside their houses. However, despite all of these efforts, criminal activities may happen in public places. Some mentally retard or poor people try to snatch the purse or jewelry along with expensive Smartphone. They may also assault their victims on don’t give them money or trying to call the police. Criminal activities can severely injure the victims who may cause lifetime invalidate.

Unfortunately, if you are a victim of criminal activity, you can claim compensation against them. Even if you don’t know them, or don’t recognize their faces, you should file the police case. Furthermore, to demand compensation, you can also claim compensation against them. It’s the responsibility of the police to find the culprit who causes you injuries and physical damage.

Type of criminal activities

There can be various type of illegal activities. It not only injure the victim physically but also damages their mental ability. These injuries range from mild to severe, depending on the condition and type of injury. Some injuries include:

  • Stabbing

  • Psychological injury

  • Kidnap

  • Face injury

  • Dental injury

  • Assault

  • Rape or sexual assault

  • Child abuse

  • Attack in bars

Eligibility for criminal injuries compensation

As you know, if you get hit brutally, or assault in criminal activity such as robbery, you can claim compensation against them. However, in detail, there are further many steps that you should follow to make your claim successful.
According to the law:

  • You can only claim compensation inside the country where you get these criminal act injuries. For example, if you get injuries in the UK, you can only claim compensation inside the UK.

  • Always try to claim compensation within the period, which is 2 to 3 years after getting injured.

  • You must report your case to the government officials. The occurrence of an accident is an important point.

How are criminal injuries different from other personal injuries?

Claiming compensation claim for criminal activities and injuries is entirely different from other personal injuries compensation claim. In personal injuries, you get injuries due to the negligence or mistake of someone else. It can be a mistake from your friend, colleague, employee, or employer. Most of the times, we get these injuries due to fall, slip or trip, or falling heavy objects. Furthermore, in this condition, there was not any personal motive of the other person to hurt.

While in criminal activities, there is always a motive to hurt the victim. They may want money, kidnap, or they can also use you as a hostage to save their life from police or security forces. These intentional injuries cause severe damage to the not only body of the victim but also damage their psychological health.

What to do after criminal activities?

After getting injured in criminal activity, you should get medical attention immediately. A minor delay in medical attention can worsen the condition of the victim. Furthermore, if you delay the medical treatment, due to your negligence, you can also lose your right to claim compensation.

Time limit to claim

Remember that there is a time limit to claim compensation. In this case, there is a limit of two to three years after getting injured to claim the compensation. You can also claim the compensation on behalf of your child, which is below eighteen. Furthermore, if the victim is below eighteen, then the countdown will start after the eighteenth birthday.

Seeking solicitor’s advice

To claim the compensation, you can also seek the help of personal injury solicitor. He can help you in various ways. He can collect evidence of the occurrence of criminal activity. Furthermore, the personal injury solicitor can also arrange meetings with an eyewitness to record their statements. These statements are worthy when you pursue the case in solicitor’s court.

Personal injury solicitor Burnley can also help you to calculate your compensation amount. You can add all the physical damage you get during the assault or criminal activity. You can also add psychological damage, as well as travel costs, medical costs, hospital expenditures. Furthermore, the victim can also claim compensation for social and economic damage.



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