Fire Safety: Do's and Don'ts

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Making a house, office or commercial space fire safe is one of the first steps in ensuring the safety of the property and the people who live or work there. This requires careful thought and planning which goes beyond equipping yourself with fire extinguishers India. Planning and timely action can save money and lives.

A fire safety plan is important for everyone, not just buildings that house flammable material or are located near fire spots. The truth is that a fire can break out anywhere and leave havoc in its wake. Studies have shown that timely action can save millions of lives. A simple log of Dos and Don'ts can go a long way in preventing fire if followed diligently.


Read the regulations: The National Building Code lays down detailed rules and regulations on fire safety in a building. These pertain to the construction and stocking of fire safety equipment. It is critical that the code is read thoroughly and complied at the very planning of the building. Since many measures have to be built-in, the code must be followed from the construction stage. Not following the code can attract severe fines, including jail time in case a fire breaks out.

Keep an escape plan ready: Always have a clear escape plan ready to execute. This is a map of the premises with all exits clearly marked. Ideally each room should have two exits, including the windows. The escape plan is a careful plan of action on what to do when a fire breaks out. Apart from description of the escape route, it will also include the duties of core fire teams in case a fire breaks out, such as, who will oversee the evacuation? Who will call the emergency services? Who will turn off the power? In a residential property, the plan must be explained to everyone. In a commercial property where this is not possible, the core teams must at least know their responsibilities.

Stock all the equipment: It is essential the building be equipped with all the essential fire safety equipment like smoke alarms, fire extinguishers India, sprinklers, fire blankets and so on. When used in time, especially in the initial stages, such equipment is crucial in ensuring that the fire does not go out of control.

Keep exits clear: Ensure that all exits are clear from inside as well as outside. There should be nothing barring people from rushing out. All too often doors get jammed or other obstructions make it impossible for people to escape. Apart from fire hazards, such a situation can also cause a stampede.

Check the escape plan regularly: The escape plan is not definitive. Things can and do change. For instance, the layout of a floor may change, effecting the escape route. New equipment in the premises will add to the fire fighting strategy. So, review the plan at regular intervals.

Hold drills: Hold regular drills to ensure that people know what to do in case of fire. It ensures an orderly and efficient evacuation without any unnecessary panic.


Forget to update or check your equipment: Remember your fire safety equipment comes with a life span after which it becomes redundant. So, make sure that all the equipment is up to the mark. Check the battery of your alarms; ensure that fire extinguishers India and sprinklers are in perfect working order. Carry out maintenance services regularly.

Store flammable material without any safety: If the premises have any flammable material it must be soared safely and away from any source of fire. This will ensure that the fire does not get any potent accelerants easily.

Ignore everyday safety measures: There are some fire safety measures which should be part of our everyday routine, such as tuning off a gas cylinder after you finish cooking or never leaving a fire unattended. These may seem too simple, but even the most seemingly insignificant of these measures can save many lives.

Buy extinguisher without reading the fine print: Not all extinguishers are the same. A fire extinguisher is classified according to the kind of fire it is effective against. So, buy an extinguisher according to the flammable material on the premises and the types of fire you are vulnerable to.



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