Five Key Reasons for Pursuing Education in Your Life

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There’s no denying that education is important but why exactly is this the case? The question itself may sound quite absurd, like asking why is it important to eat, drink or breathe but examining the cause behind something familiar is what helps us develop a better understanding. So, in order to start unraveling this mystery, here are the top five reasons why education is so important and why pursuing it is so relevant, regardless of the cost or effort required.

Purpose in life

A lot of people believe that education is the purpose of life. We come into this world as tabula rasa (a clean slate) which needs to be filled as we grow and learn. Things we learn, teachings that we adopt and skills we develop will come to define us. Things we know become a part of our identity.
While microlearning is getting bigger and bigger every day and every new thing you hear is new knowledge, when we say education, what we usually mean is traditional education. This is a formalized form of learning, usually with a certificate or a degree gained in the end.

Universally available

Another thing you need to understand is that people in the past traveled great distances and sacrificed so much in order to learn. They traveled thousands of miles in order to find one scholar that possesses the knowledge that they were seeking and they were dedicating their lives in order to learn this trait.
Today, online courses, VET and RTO education, reliable RTO training materials, textbooks and tutorials are just a couple of clicks away. Moreover, never before in human history was knowledge so accessible, affordable and available. In a way, it would be disrespectful towards your predecessors who sacrificed so much for this bit of knowledge they had available to just ignore this opportunity.

Better career paths

The more you know the more career paths will be available. For starters, there are some positions that have a degree as a requirement. Even if there’s no such requirement, your CV will simply appear much more impressive with an extra line about your formal education. It is also important that you understand the importance of formal education in your advancement. Sometimes, there’s a threshold that you can’t pass without a certain degree.
Some specialized professions may even require you to have a degree in order to get a professional license. You can’t be a doctor or a lawyer without a degree. You can’t be a professional drive without a driver’s license. Overall, it is important that you understand that with each skill that you obtain (and get formal recognition for), you get new opportunities available.

Social aspect

From the social aspect, education can determine your ability to fit into a certain group. If you are motivated enough, you can always blend in with people who don’t know things that you know but the same doesn’t have to apply the other way around. When someone brings up a topic in a group conversation, you either understand it or not. This determines your ability to join the conversation.
In a way, expanding your knowledge gives you access to more social groups. It goes even further than that. You see, once you enlist in a course, you will meet new people. These are the people that you already share one thing with – you’re in the same course. This may not seem as much but it implies that these people either share your interests or ambitions. It may also suggest that they’re in the same stage in life that you are.

Boosting your own competence and confidence

The Dunning-Kruger effect is a situation that determines how much you know about a certain topic. Studies have shown that people start with pretty low confidence and after they start learning about the topic, they get a massive surge in self-confidence. This confidence drops after a while but once they start getting the grip of things, it starts gradually rising up again. Once you reach the expert level of knowledge, you will feel empowered.
Knowledge gives confidence; real, organic confidence. It helps you understand where you have started and where you are now. Just think about it – you know something that other people don’t and you’ve earned it through your sacrifice, dedication and discipline. This is something that no one can deny or take away from you.

In conclusion

While this list is incomplete, these five tasks represent the essence. Other than this, people love learning about things that they’re interested in (or inclined towards), which means that learning is also quite fun. This alone would be a good enough reason to learn throughout your life but when paired with the rest of the list, one might get the impression that there’s no reason necessary. The more you know, the more you’re worth.



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