How to Set up Sanitation System in a Residential Complex

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One of the first things when planning a residential complex is setting up a sewage treatment plan India. This is not just a necessary step for the proper management of a residential complex, but also a legal requirement. Almost every State today requires that a residential society to have some kind of waste management system on the premises.It is best to set up a sanitation system at the planning stage since some of these measures will involves building or adding on to the present build up area. Proper allocation of space and a system of waste segregation, collection and processing has to be established. Broadly speaking there are two main tasks in setting up the sanitation system of a residential complex — setting up the infrastructure and creating a proper system.

Setting up the infrastructure

This is critical necessity and increasingly the government is making it mandatory. Although there are some practical problems of adding STPs to existing buildings, new construction are now required to have such measures in place in most States. At the State level the responsibility of waste collection and processing is clearly laid out. According to the rules, the State municipal authority is tasked with the collection, management, processing and disposal of municipal solid waste.

However, the responsibility of handling bio-medical waste lies with the person who generates the water. E-Waste disposal must be managed by the producer/manufacturer as well as the consumer. Irrespective of whose specific responsibility it is, we as citizens must take proactive measures to dispose our waste in a responsible manner. The basics start with the usual sanitary system that a builder puts in every house. After that comes the question of setting up a sewage treatment plants India

There are some factors to be considered when choosing an STP.  It is best to find a expert to carry out a survey before you start. AN expert will evaluate the number of households in the area. This gives us a rough estimate of the amount of waste that will be generated in a day. This is one of the most important aspects because an STP that runs under capacity can be as deficient as one that runs over capacity.

We have to check the space availability. Some STPs need more space than others. We have to make a careful assessment of where to build or place the plant. We also test for soil conditions, means of effluent disposal, distance from drinking water sources, flood protection and isolation from residential spaces.

Finally, we select the type of STP.  All STPs are not the same. There are different technologies used to process waste and you can choose one according to the type and volume of waste generated. The different types of technologies used in processing waste can include both aerobic and anaerobic methods. You can also consider composting if you have the space for it. Apart from using waste judiciously, it is the most environment friendly way of waste disposal and soil nourishment.

Educating people

Just setting up RO plants in India is not sufficient. To be effective you also have to educate the people living in the area. Unless everyone follows the proper guidelines and is diligent in their habits, this cannot succeed.

Form a waste management group: This should be a group of like-minded people who are keen to institute proper waste management and disposal in the locality. There has to be a core group which is responsible for the day-to-day running of the plant and other waste management.

Educate residents and staff: Residents must understand how waste is to be segregated in wet, dry, bio and e-waste. Without proper guidelines this is not possible. The staff involved in collection and actual management also must be educated properly. For this you may have to organise training programs.

Establish systems: To be efficient, all systems must be established and laid down clearly for everyone to follow. Every resident must understand how to segregate waste and collection time. The staff must have a clearly laid out schedule to follow. You may also have to consider how to deal with defaulters or repeat offenders. It is important to establish clearly laid out system so that everyone knows what to follow.

These are the basics of setting up sewage treatment plants India. Proper planning ensures that the plant will run smoothly in a sustainable manner.



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