Improving Your Mental Health with Home Décor Ideas

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Everything in our lives, in one way or another, can affect our mental health. Even the décor in our homes. Home décor can affect our mental health, our happiness, and our mood.

Just think about it, do you feel happy and content when you get home? Or do you feel stressed and anxious? If it’s the latter, it’s time to do something about it.

Create a living space that feels and looks good and you will also notice the change in your mood. Start with small things, like giving personality to your home with small details.

If you want to find out more about home décor and how it can improve your mental health – check out these couple of ideas.

Mental Health Home Decor

1.      Declutter, declutter, declutter

Spending too much time in an untidy, cluttered space affects our brain negatively. Too much clutter can cause anxiety, stress, and even depression. Before ever decorating any space in your home make sure you declutter.

Messy and cluttered homes and spaces are what make us irritable, overwhelmed, and helpless. All the mess can make it difficult for us to relax both physically and mentally because we all feel like the work isn’t done yet.

Once you declutter your home, make sure you never make such a mess again. The best thing you can do is create designated spaces for the things you reach for the most. Once you’re done using that thing, return it to its designated space and you’ll avoid making a mess again.

2.      Change the colors in your home

Colors in our home can significantly influence our mood and can even have a calming effect on us. For example, it’s said that green color promotes and encourages creativity, while the red color is often linked to stress and excitement as it raises our blood pressure and heart rate.

Play around with colors, find out which color soothes you, and which makes you anxious. Find colors that have a calming effect on you and paint and decorate your living room and bedroom with such colors.

Your bedroom and living room are the places where you spend most of your time, so it’s only logical that you’d want to feel good and comfortable in them.

3.      Let natural light and air in

The best way to improve your mood in only a couple of seconds is by opening your curtains and letting the natural light in. Every room in your home should be well lit and the best solution is natural light.

Let the sunlight in because the sun can boost your vitamin D levels, it can improve your mood, and lower your stress levels.

And when it becomes too dark, try to avoid using harsh overhead lights and instead make sure your home is lit with all kinds of small lights.

Similarly, let the fresh air in whenever you can. Well aired and lit rooms have a better impact on our mental health.

4.      Decorate with different fabrics

Curtains, carpets, beddings, and pillowcases are all made of various fabrics that can differently affect our moods and feelings. That’s why the best designing and decorating decision you can make is mixing and combining different textures and fabrics.

If you’re decorating your bedroom, apart from cozy bedroom furniture, your room should be decorated with soft bedding, fluffy pillows, interesting blankets, and throw pillows. Of course, let’s not forget a soft and cozy rug or carpet that is the first thing our feet touch when we wake up.

Play around with curtains as well, layer sheer curtains, with light-blocking ones, and so on. You can combine different fabrics, but make sure that the bedroom colors are neutral and relaxing. You don’t want a bedroom to look too busy, since it’s a room for sleeping and relaxation.

5.      Bring nature in

Plants and flowers act as natural air purifiers. Apart from purifying the air, plants can also improve our mental, physical and emotional health. Not to mention that plants and flowers are great decorative pieces.

You don’t need to have a whole botanical garden in your home if you’re not too keen on plants. However, one potted plant in every room can significantly influence your mood, productivity, and concentration.

The best thing about plants is that you can find those that are easy to maintain and that you can successfully keep alive even if you don’t have a green thumb.


A home should be our safe haven, a place where we feel comfortable and where we can recharge after a long and exhausting day. Don’t let the clutter or lack of appropriate décor bring your mood down and in that way negatively impact your mental health.

Do whatever you can to make your home feel a cozy, warm, and welcoming place because only a place like that can be a foundation for a healthy mind.



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