IoT Connected Vehicles Leading a Radical Transformation in Automotive Sector

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Internet of things is the next big thing in the world of booing technologies and all the sectors were entrenched by the resonance of IoT. Simply IoT is a network of interrelated electronic devices provided with unique identifiers, which are able to communicate themselves by using the internet as a medium of communication. By using this extensive feature, it is much easier to handle multiple operations in an effective way. To attain this, every organization and company is planning to shift every process of their operation towards IoT. It can lead to understanding the customers in a better way ever than before, that can add more value to the business.

A complete IoT ecosystem is composed of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded processors, sensors and communication hardware to collect, send and act on data which they acquire from their surroundings. IoT devices send the sensor data which they have collected by connecting to an IoT gateway where data is either sending to the cloud and analyzed or locally analyzed. All of these devices communicate with each other and operate on the information which they are getting from each other. All the devices operate most of the works without any human intervention and people can make interaction with these devices.

With this much capability, IoT got its resurgence and its benefits are ubiquitous among a number of organizations. It helps to easily monitor the overall process of business and examining the operations, customer experience can be improved, saves huge time and money, enlarge the employee productivity, incorporation of various business models, better business decisions can be made, can generate potential revenue. It encourages companies to revitalize their operations through various innovative ways which can improve the strategy of the business.

Evolution of automobiles by integration with IoT

Already IoT had made substantial positive impacts of various sectors such as agriculture, information technology, and healthcare domains. And the next big step is through the automobile sector. Autonomous vehicles are always considered as trends in the future, but with the wide applications of IoT, it is possible enough in real time. Through advanced sensor communication capabilities, the automotive industry is on the path of implementing driverless vehicles very shortly. These radical technological uplifts are redefining the traditional operations that can give a completely different driving experience for the vehicles.

An autonomous car means it doesn’t need any individual driver to take control over it so that it can operate itself and drive itself to the required destination. Amidst infuriating traffics, the job for the individuals inside the car is not to pay attention to the road; they just need to relax. All the aspects that give comfort and convenience to the persons are taken into consideration and based on that multiple factors, including the temperature inside the vehicle are all operated autonomously. With the embedded sensors around the vehicle, it is landed safely without any contact with other vehicles in between the traffic. This rigorous communication is possible due to the vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure technologies that allow all the vehicles to stay interconnected with the surroundings. With these embedded systems, the speed and the distance to other vehicles are all controlled and immediate response can be given by the sensors. By integration of voice commands and map navigation features, simply the desired location can be commanded through voice and by accessing distinctive GPS map features, the vehicle can certainly drive on its own to the selected spot. Fuel efficiency is seen as a very important aspect in the nowadays automobile world. With better connectivity and self-centric technologies, it is very possible to achieve efficient driving autonomous vehicles.

Transformation in the automotive industry

IoT is obviously transforming and reshaping the automotive sector to fulfill the exclusive demands and requirements for the upcoming trends. The design process in automobiles will get a huge shift in which the ideal changes can benefit several positive impacts in the vehicle manufacturing lifecycle. By effective product lifecycle, the products can be delivered at best and it also improves the satisfaction of the users also. Nonvalue components and segments can be removed from the traditional methodologies, which can augment the quality of the automobiles.

Present methodologies and techniques using in the automobiles manufacturing have several complex mechatronics codes, which is always a cumbersome process in repairing or adding any additional components in the future. By enabling IoT, like the same in mobiles, it is possible to give regular updates to the customers on their automobiles, which delivers huge after sale value to the users. By incorporation of extensive tools, the risk for failures can be reduced and it can be predetermined. It can provide a valuable service to the customers which can help the automobile companies to offer great customer satisfaction on their vehicle sales.

Assists in adding more business benefits to the companies

For the organizations, IoT is a perfect boon to enlarge their business principles to gain more potential revenue. IoT helps to stay connected during the lifetime of a sold vehicle. With multiple features of IoT, it is obviously possible to track remotely a vehicle to collect valuable insights such as usage, running condition, location, driver insights, additional needs, failures in the components etc. can be analyzed, so that a complete aftermarket business ecosystem is developed for the companies to get more insights into their business. Manufacturers are able to leverage the collected data about the multiple users and vehicles to create targeted commercial offers and infotainment to uplift the business.

By using intelligent components of IoT, the automotive companies are able to stay in sync with the fickle needs of the customers which can help to lead a flexible manufacturing process and optimize the manufacturing elements for the vehicles. With clear and unique strategies made by grasping the trends of IoT, one can achieve great potential in the automotive industry. Transformation has gone to a new level, and it is no more need for the people to stay in traditional conundrums with their automobiles.



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