Kentico 9: What makes it an Undisputed CMS Champ?

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When it comes to Kentico, it never stops surprising the users with every installation. The latest version has come up with some astonishing features that can make any developer and designer fall in love with it. This is because the CMS makes it even easier to create sites and apps easier like never before. So you must be thinking what these features really are that we’re bragging about? Why don’t you take a look for yourself:

The all new MVC support

The MVC, since the time it originated, has been reshaping the .Net universe and the way developers are building and coding their applications. In many ways, the MVC is the thing that is shaping the future and with the use of Kentico CMS system, you always have the chance to stay adaptable at every step!

There are various reasons behind the fact that MVC is a real deal for developers and designers such as efficient control over rendered HTML, UI and code separation, easy unit testing and much more.

Whether you want to have complete control over the output HTML or simultaneously build modern responsive websites, Kentico 9 brings the all new MVC Support that can help you leverage Kentico API that is enhanced to the greatest extent.

Continuous Integration

It is a widely known factor among industries that projects are growing more complex as every day passes. Because of this reason, the number of developers are burgeoning in a project as moving changes and functionality from one environment to other has become a paramount imperative for the success of any business. This is where Kentico 9 steps in.

Kentico’s Continuous Integration enables teams with effective monitoring of their changes. This is done via serialization of the objects and progress tracking. In post-serialization phase, objects can be easily migrated to environments and deployments for the purpose of ensuring that all the changes are copied in a proper manner.

Web Farm Support

Earlier, management of web farm servers was conducted manually. This process required developers to get an understanding of the system and then configure the way in which system synchronizes changes between servers. But with Kentico 9, you get a brand new module of Web Farm which eliminates every hassle faced by the companies. The feature plays an important role in registering and managing servers in a dynamic way. Not only that but it also helps developers in staying focused on their code rather than the hardware.

Other features

With Kentico 9, users get a lot of developer-centric functionalities. Among these features is the new documentation process that will help the users head in the right way when it comes to their questions on how to use these features. Another concept is that of Smaller Installation. It is a focused effort by Kentico for the reduction of overall platform size while still bestowing the features that are needed the most by a developer.

So here are the top features that Kentico 9 has in its bag for everyone, especially developers. This is because of the rise of plethora of possibilities it has created for their projects. Here, a web development company California can help you in a great extent by providing the necessary Kentico 9 integration that can help who take your business to a whole new level.



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