Landscaping and Garden Makeover Tips You Can Use

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Home owners who take pride in a well cared for garden are conscious of the endless hours needed to attend to various chores with the finish line hardly in sight ever.  The schedule for cultivated ground comprises of year long schedule of mulching, weeding, planting, cutting back, pruning and composting with an array of more jobs when you are also growing your plants from cuttings or seeds. Landscaping and garden makeover are engaging and interesting tasks but consumes significant amount of time as well as physical effort.

Have you also noticed that many retirees take to gardening and often times it becomes a whole time job? But some of the hard work can either be eliminated or lightened.  Gardening professionals spending almost all the time available at their disposal maintaining their gardens have several tricks and tips to make the exercise of garden make over relatively less demanding.

We spoke to Jims Mowing Mornington Peninsula for some of these insights and have collated some of the useful information from this discussion.


Keeping Your Tool Shed Organized

If you don’t want the gardening tasks to be less challenging physically, getting your tool shed organized gains priority over many other aspects. Thus, when you organize your tools, feed, composts and pots well ahead a sunny and beautiful spring day, that will allow you to get straight into the garden and start enjoying what you do. Ideally, you should also remember adding fertilizer of the slow release variety that can last 6 to 8 months for the summer pots. This way, they can grow strong needing less liquid inputs.

Planting Meadows

  • When you are maintaining big spaces, think of setting apart some space for a meadow. If you choose a meadow with spring bulbs, you will obviously reduce the amount of work needed as compared to a summer meadow. You can choose planting bulbs that flowers before May in grassy areas every autumn and mow the space from around June. From January, you can also have succession plan for bulbs starting with crocuses in January and species tulips in May. This area can then double up as a lawn across the rest of the year.

Wise Mulching

Some jobs may appear to be a huge challenge at the start, but can save significant time over the long run. Accumulating large volumes of winter mulch and spreading it over borders. This exercise is time consuming and expensive, but when spring arrives this can suppress the weeds ensuring that the soil and consequently the plans grow healthier and stronger.

Container Garden

There are some tricks that to make your garden look beautiful and good across the year. Larger pots for instance can help you save time spent on watering. You can also enhance the visual appeal of your garden when you use tall pots. Think of tall galvanized buckets within your actual flower bed in autumn and filling them with tulips will significantly enhance the beauty gardens.  You can extend this exercise using dolly tubs, used cattle troughs etc can be filled with clematis, roses, or succession cosmos.

Focus On Low Maintenance Plants

If you choose high-maintenance plants, obviously you are also choosing added labour. If you are focused on bring scent into your garden, there are many plants that can address this desire. But, choosing the plants wisely is the trick to avoid hard work getting that desirable scent into the garden.

Companion Plants

Pests can be significant headache for any gardener and garden and it can potentially undo plenty of good work, apart from wreaking serious havoc. The best way to safeguard from this is the prevent pest attach than look for cures. Another important aspect is mixing companion plants such as kale along the dahlia beds. Such a measure will not just enhance the appeal of your garden but also minimize or prevent pest attacks.

Companion Ducks

For slug control, you can think of some call ducks or miniaturized and crested apple yards. In mid May too you can perhaps allow the call ducks to waddle throughout your garden but just before you plant the summer bedding into the garden. Whenever needed, you should also make seasonal adjustments, since the onset of different seasons can vary from one region to the other.

Year Round Structure

During winter, the flower beds tend to present a barren look. But, if you build plant supports around the time your garden is getting ready to go to sleep, you can save a bigger job when spring arrives. The presence of twiggy long whips of plants like silver birch will help you weave them with ease into different shapes like upside-down broomstick or curving snakes and wait for the tall climbers and perennials to grow.

Early Staking

Winter/early spring is the best seasons to get organized with your garden to ward off chaos later. Staking early is the deal and it actually puts more time in your hands for planting, and is cost effective over the longer term. When you stake early, the process is quicker since the plants still have some time left for staking.

Buckets, Tote Bags and Buckets

Strangely, some of the tips can be the simplest and most useful. The only exception is that many of us learn it the hard way. Most of us do have some sort of these containers lying idle in the garage or around the home. And, when it comes to some garden make over, we go about searching the whole house for one or more appropriate pieces. Aren’t there many ways we can put some of these idle legacies to better use while rehabbing or laying out the existing landscape. All that you need is a bit of creativity.



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