Living Plants - The Perfect Housewarming Gift

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housewrming gifts plantsIf you’ve woken up one morning, put the kettle on, then peered out your kitchen window to see a moving van, then all kinds of thoughts will run through your mind. Could it be that the mysterious buyers of the house across the street are now moving in? What will they be like? How can I show them we’re friendly?

While you could rush over with a myriad of different housewarming gifts such as baking and candy, you may not know whether it’s something they’ll enjoy. All kinds of dietary requirements mean that giving food to strangers is no longer as acceptable as it used to be.

Therefore, you may like to consider welcoming your new neighbors to your area with living plants such as indoor plants or indoor flowers.

Why Choose Living Plants as Housewarming Gifts?

At least one in 100 people have celiac disease, a gluten intolerance, which means that baked goods – while a lovely gesture – is risky business as a housewarming gift. When you choose indoor plants or indoor flowers, you are appealing to a broader range of people. Who doesn’t want a healthy plant to signify a new start?

What’s more, living plants are something that you can prepare at a moment’s notice. You can order them for direct delivery from a living plants supplier, or you can choose your favorite cuttings from your garden and present it in a gift box. Either option can be an icebreaker when you turn up on their doorstep with it.

Choosing Indoor Plants as Housewarming Gifts

Believe it or not, there is a right and wrong way to go about selecting indoor plants as housewarming gifts. You can leave it to the experts who can prepare and present an indoor plant correctly, or, you can choose from different plant options yourself.

There are some fantastic and not-so-great plants to give as gifts. You wouldn’t, for example, turn up on your neighbor’s doorstep with an oak tree, knowing it’s going to grow 70 feet tall in a small postage stamp backyard. You would, however, go for kind gestures such as olive trees, money trees, and lime trees. The key is to think of the practicality and whether 70-foot tall trees as housewarming gifts might not be well-received.

Choosing Indoor Flowers as Gifts

If your new neighbor doesn’t seem to have any space for trees or indoor plants, then maybe indoor flowers could be a better option. They can grow them inside, watch them thrive on their windowsill, then enjoy them as an addition to their living room or conservatory.

When it comes to indoor flowers, the options are endless. Peace lilies are always a fabulous choice – either as a housewarming gift or bereavement, while Jasmine flowers are something small, pretty, and perfect for gifting.

Why Choose Something Alive as Housewarming Gifts?

It might seem strange to not head over to meet your new neighbor with a casserole or carrot cake in hand, but there are several reasons why you would opt for a living plant instead. Think about how many times you will possibly bump into your area’s new addition.

As you don’t know them well, you won’t have a lot to talk about. By offering living plants, you will always have a conversation piece. “How’s the plant growing?” and “Your plant must be getting big now!” can be your go-to starters. Of course, things might get a little awkward if they weren’t able to keep the plant alive!


Coming up with the perfect housewarming gift can be hard work – especially if you weren’t expecting any new people to move into your area so suddenly. Take a moment to think about your plant options and consider whether you would prefer to offer a banana loaf or a peace lily.




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