Physiotherapy Edmonton Tips On Avoiding Game Use Problems

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Today the world is facing many problems that have affected the lives of everyone. Many of these threats have gone away as time passes. But one problem that has remained since it came is the excessive use of mobile devices. That is becoming a serious threat day by day according to therapists at physiotherapy Edmonton.

This Is the Age Of Mobile Devices

This is the age of mobile and everyone is using any kind of mobile device. The mobile devices that are used by the majority of people are smartphones, tablets, and iPads. The reason for using these devices is that they can be taken everywhere.

What Is The Percentage Of Mobile Users?

The percentage of people using mobile devices is 70 to 80%. More than 40% of Canadians use mobile devices for texting and about 70% of youngsters play games. According to expert physiotherapists, this rate is alarming.

Problems Faced By Mobile Devices Users

Whether mobile users are adults or children; both face the same problems. The intensity of the issue is determined by the passion they have for using mobile devices.

Pain In Thumb Due To Texting And Gaming

The people who play games a lot and are always texting; will have pain in the thumb from the tip to the joint. Many individuals come to the pain clinic in Edmonton with the same pain but in their fingers when typing on a keyboard.

The Wrong Posture Develops

Mobile users are not aware that they are playing games, texting, or doing their work in the wrong posture. The physiotherapists and doctors at medical and physiotherapy centers like Regenerate Physio say that the screen of anything has to be at the eye level.

Pain In Neck And Shoulders

The wrong posture is one in which the mobile device is kept lower than the eye level. Staying in this position can cause extreme pain in the neck, head, and shoulders.

Gaining Weight By Sitting

Many people visit the gyms and physio Edmonton clinics so that they can reduce weight. When asked about the reasons; the majority of the youngsters tell that they have a bad habit of playing games or testing all day.Physiotherapy Edmonton
Tips By Physiotherapy Edmonton To Avoid Problems

When you visit physiotherapy west Edmonton centers; along with treating the patients with therapies the therapists provide valuable tips on avoiding and reducing mobile use problems.

Stretching Exercises Before Beginning

You will find the physiotherapy services also have stretching exercises for different people and are for diversified purposes. Before starting your work or game make sure to stretch the whole hands.

Fix A Time For Playing

It is a known fact that playing games and using a mobile device can become an addiction. To avoid this situation try to fix a time for mobile use and have other healthy activities also.

Change Posture To Avoid Stiffness

The best thing recommended by physiotherapy clinics in Edmonton to avoid stiffness is to change posture every 30 minutes.

Give Rest To Hands And Breaks

Constant use of mobile devices is extremely dangerous, but people have jobs that require to be on the mobile most of their time. What they can do is take 10 minutes to break in-between tasks and do simple exercises suggested by Physiotherapy Edmonton.



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