Planning To Create A Successful Instagram Social Media Marketing Strategy? Follow The Points Well

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Right across the world, there are more than 800 million Instagram users. Among them, around 500 M are using IG on a single day basis and end up sharing over 250 M pieces of contents on a daily basis. Now, from a layman’s point of view, these are huge numbers. It does not actually matter who the audience group is, related to gender, age, occupation or anything else, you will be sure to reach them through the notion of IG. So, the main question that lies over here are ways you can promote business on IG.

Now, the question that follows is how you can possibly stand out among other million videos, photos and stories as posted every day? Moreover, how can amateur photographers and non-designers can create some amazing contents for the IG? For that, logging online and checking out the guides for answer might prove to be the best help you could have asked for. You can get some of the other valuable information straight from Stormlikes right now.

First ever question – why use IG for your business?

With over 300 M daily users and all of them active, IG has come across to the marketers as a huge potential that none of the business owners would like to lose. However, the right potential in IG will lies more in user behavior and not that much on numbers. It is true that the IG users would like to connect with the brands they are watching the contents of. Some research further show that brands would like to enjoy number of distinct benefits and also advantages on the certain network.

  • In the field of IG, brands would like to enjoy some of the regular engagement with around 4% of total followers. In terms of other networks like Twitter and Facebook, the engagement will be less than 0.1%.

  • Around 70% of the Instagram users would report of having o look up a brand on the platform.

  • On the other hand, around 62% of the users will follow brand on the IG. Around 36% of the marketers are able to use IG, when compared to 93% of marketers working on FB.

The recent statistics have clearly showed that social media is proven to influence purchase decisions. If you can easily find the correct mix of content, then your audience will definitely soak it up well. They might even end up purchasing the product or service from your side. For that, you don’t have to bother working on a hard pitch or the sales pitch. It is always a dream that every marketer has now.

What you think marketers need to say about IG:

The research and numbers, as mentioned earlier, will definitely sound great. But the main question is what marketers seem to be talking about. You need to know what IG users are thinking while driving business results. There are only positive views and testimonials that you will receive from some of the big names in the market using IG for a change.

For some people, IG has provided them with an amazing platform to connect with fans and let them know about their stories. It is also a proven platform to help brands show people the actual use of their products and also inspire the team to come across new ways to savor. It is also proven as the incredible effective engagement is driven platform for the current customers and the existing ones too.

Successful formula for the IG users:

You can try posting some of the incredible pictures, which are dealing with the business you are in. however, this step is not enough. There are some other points for you to consider while working in this category now.

  • You need to have a clear vision and strategy while working on these IG posts. It should have a consistent frequency in this regard as well.

  • The services are well familiarized with an audience and it comes with the proper and clear visual style. Whenever you combine these ingredients, IG can always and easily deliver massive results for the business.

For example, you can check out Madewell. It is a great example of the current IG marketing. This fashion brand is able to amassed engaging audience on IG. The platform is able to be one key marketing channel for them, which will enable to connect with potential customers in large number and on daily basis.

Ways to create one IG marketing strategy:

Whether you are all new in this IG field and preparing to just share the first post, or you are established and looking for ways to boost presence on the platform, it is mandatory that you enter the market with a clear set of goals in your mind.

  • Setting the proper goals can help in defining the strategy on the IG and also to create content, which otherwise, helps in achieving the targets well.

  • There are some common points, which every brand has to work with. They have to showcase the services or products. After that, they need to build community and then increase awareness of the brand.

  • You need to showcase the culture and values of the firm and get to advertise to some of the potential customers. It is a great way to increase brand loyalty and also share updates and news about the company through one proven value.

It is always important to choose one or even two goals for the IG profile, from the list or the customized goal of choosing.

Have to search for the demographics:

Marketing is noted to be about delivering the right message to the right people and at the same time. Understanding the current demographics of the platform is the vital part of ensuring that you are hitting the present target audience. You can break down the current IG demographics and you can find the right results in an easy manner. For some more details, you have to start using IG in the first place. It can work out well for you as well.



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