Procedure to collect respiratory infection samples from patients

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Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are a significant health issue affecting millions worldwide. They are the primary cause of hospital admissions, ICU stays, and premature death. But what are RTIs exactly? These infections are a group of airway infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The respiratory tract includes parts involved in breathing, such as the sinuses, throat, trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Most respiratory tract infections are highly contagious and easily spread from one person to another. They are usually droplet infections transmitted through contact with secretions during coughing, breathing, talking, sneezing, etc. Some common types of RTIs include upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs), Tuberculosis, bacterial and viral pneumonia, COVID-19, Influenza (Flu), bronchitis, and bronchiolitis.

Learn how to collect Respiratory biological specimens:

The success of laboratory testing and in-vitro diagnostic research depends on collecting accurate and uncontaminated specimens. When it comes to respiratory tract infections, collecting samples from the patient is essential for precise diagnosis. Some commonly used specimens for respiratory infections include throat swabs, nasopharyngeal swabs, oropharyngeal swabs, sputum, and tracheal secretions. Here are some tips for collecting these respiratory patient samples:

  • Determine the location of infection:The type of specimen collected for respiratory infections depends on the location of the infection. For upper respiratory tract infections, throat swabs or nonpharyngeal specimens are collected. For lower respiratory tract infections, sputum or endotracheal secretions are collected.

  • Follow proper collection procedures:The procedure for collecting specimens should be followed correctly to ensure that the sample is not contaminated. The healthcare provider should wear gloves and use sterile equipment for collecting the sample.

  • Store the specimen properly:After collecting, the specimens should be stored in a sterile container and transported to the laboratory as soon as possible. The temperature of the specimen should be maintained during transportation to preserve its quality.

By following these tips, you can ensure that the respiratory infection specimens are collected correctly and appropriately preserved, enabling accurate laboratory testing and diagnosis.

Best source for respiratory tract infection biospecimens

Intending to advance research in respiratory infections, Central BioHub presents an extensive collection of respiratory infection biospecimens sourced from patients globally. It offers a broad array of human specimens such as human serum, plasma, whole blood, and nasopharyngeal samples for COVID-19, bacterial pneumonia, viral pneumonia, RSV, Tuberculosis, influenza A & B, parainfluenza, and other respiratory disorders that are meant for biomedical and diagnostic research purposes. The samples are well-tested and stored in sterile conditions devoid of cross-contamination in various biobanks and biorepositories.

The Infectious disease samples are accessible for purchase online through Central BioHub's platform. Visit their website to explore the inventory and place orders for the respiratory infection samples:



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