Reduce, reuse, and recycle!

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Many reasons drive the global push to “Go green”. While saving the mother earth is one of them, ensuring economic and social well being, physical and mental health, and sustainable future for living beings are some other powerful incentives.

We have been learning about environment and being eco-friendly since our childhood days. However, the question is how many of us follow the environmental rules and regulations?

We know how to green everything starting from car journey’s and job searches to camping expeditions to wardrobes. When all's said and done - it all boils down to one basic thing - Trash! We all agree to the fact that, wherever we are, whatever we are doing, who ever we are with, trash is going to be a part of it.

If we are using material, evidently we will create trash. In addition, this is something which cannot be stopped. However, the main question is if we cannot stop trash formation, can we control it? Well, the answer is YES!

We are aware about the fact that, we can control our habits and reduce the formation of rubbish, starting from our homes.  So, today we’ll be discussing few ways of going green by managing our trash system by using the method of reduce, reuse and recycle.


  • Reduce


It’s as simple as it can get: if you don’t purchase waste, you will not create waste! For example, this idea was given by a popular group of San francisco girls, who actually vowed not to buy anything new for an entire year. However, this cannot be applicable on every individual.

The basic point is to “reduce”. Do you really need another mobile phone?, Do you actually want to buy another pair of jeans? Do you need that leather handbag for your office?

These are the questions you have to ask yourself before purchasing a new item. We can reduce our addiction of buying material because we want to. This will not only be an aid to the environment but also affect your pocket massively. It’s a good habit, right?


  • Reuse


Undoubtedly, the act of reuse can have a major impact on your waste production. Reuse is nothing but the capacity of using a material 2ns, 3rd, 4th, and the 5th time as well. The product can be reused in different ways and still it can make your house look fresh, beautiful and good. Most importantly, reuse is an essential step after you have reduced, but before you are ready to recycle. If you know the technique of reducing waste, you’ll definitely learn the act of reusing the material, and you’ll be ready to recycle product or at least take the right decision of disposing the product for recycling. Some of the common products in your house which can be reused:-

  • Shopping bags

  • Ketch-up bottle for growing plants in it

  • Torn shoes for decorating your child's room

  • Used mug for keeping stationary

  • Empty cardboard boxes for keeping your washable clothes in the bathroom.


  • Recycle


Now you are all ready to dump your products for recycling. Separate the products which cannot be reused, for instance, metal, wardrobe, green waste, wood, etc. Call firms responsible for taking waste from your house and inform them about the type of waste you want to discard. They collect the recyclable waste and dump it at the right place.

Generally rubbish removal in Logan provide you skip bins for different kind of waste material and collect them on weekly basis. It is quite an easy process as these firms collect the skip bins according to your convenience. The procedure is quite simple:-

  • Enter the postcode

  • Select the waste type you want to discard

  • Choose the bin size you require

  • Select the delivery and collection date & time

  • Get the cheapest price bins and services

  • FIll in your details and you’re done



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