Rights and Responsibilities of a volunteer

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Volunteering requires tremendous dedication. Simply because you are working for free does not give you the right to labor haphazardly or come and go as you want. Keep in mind that when you say "yes," you are accepting specific obligations and assignments that have been made to you at the appropriate moment. People will look to you to do a good job at your work. You do, however, have rights as well. These make sure you can perform your job properly and shield you from potential hazards.

Therefore, be aware of your rights and obligations as an online volunteering NGO in India before committing.

Your rights

You are entitled as a volunteer to:

Obtain orientation

They must inform you of the organization before you begin your volunteer work. You should become familiar with its mission and your part in achieving it. Additionally, you should receive information about the environment you will be working in as well as the people you will interact with, serve, and report to. They should educate you on the organization's policies, particularly those about the benefits you are eligible for or the procedures and guidelines you must follow (e.g. timing-in, logging out, breaks, etc.).

Get direction and advice

You must be certain of what you must do and how you must do it to perform your job effectively. The volunteer organizer should provide you with clear instructions, support, and oversight.

Get the education you need for your job.

To ensure that you have the abilities and information necessary to carry out your duties to the fullest, you should receive training for your position.

Recognized for your contribution and treated as a significant member of the company.

You ought to be respected and made to feel like a vital member of the team. You deserve to be heard and credited for your efforts.

You have responsibilities

As a volunteer, you are accountable for:

Arrive as planned and on time

You must show up on the specified day and time. If you can't make it to work, be sure to let your coordinator or supervisor know. Provide advance notice so that plans can be made to accommodate your schedule.

Execute your duties effectively and honestly.

When virtual volunteering in India, it's expected that you'll carry out your tasks effectively and to the best of your ability.

Set aside time for the task.

Some businesses have a set amount of hours that must be worked over a specified amount of time (for instance complete 50 hours in a year). This is a commitment that you must uphold if you consented to it when you applied to be a volunteer.

Accept the volunteer coordinator's recommendations and judgments.

The majority of volunteers are supervised by a volunteer coordinator or supervisor. Your answer to them. Although you can offer ideas for how things might be done, your managers will ultimately make the final call.

Attend meetings, training, and orientations

You are expected to attend meetings and training sessions to learn more about your position and to develop the necessary knowledge and abilities. These are the right places to address any inquiries, requests, or ideas.

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