Things You Ought To Stop Doing If You Want To Reap the Fruits of Success

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The definition of success is different to different people. To some getting up at 4 am in the morning is a success, and for others, it may be landing the next promotion (you get the idea). But do you know that in order to be successful in whatever walk of life you are eyeing or just generally, you have to drop some of the habits

You wonder what those may be. Well, we have compiled a list of those things that you need to stop doing, like pronto.

Don’t make excuses

The blame game is the name. In the words of Oprah Winfrey “Blame has an expiry date”, so in order to be successful, stop assigning blame and own it. You cannot have an excuse for everything. I know there will be times where excuses matter but to always come up with excuses, uh-huh, not going to work.

Do not just focus on the negatives

Life is bittersweet experience and you will fail and you will have bad days. But that doesn’t mean you should let the negative thought seep in. They will drain you of all the energy and desire to get back up. So whenever you find yourself slipping into the negativity, shake your head and think of the positive things you have experienced and say gratitude (may I add). It is going to be hard initially but with time you can master it.

The fear of failure

Fear of failure usually gets the better of us. Think of failures as lessons and try not repeating them. If you have not learned anything from your failure that means you have missed the train. So failures are bound to occur but then not letting it drag you down is the real test of success.

We don’t have the knowledge of the unseen, but we can only take calculated measures because no one and nothing in this world can promise or guarantee your success. There will always be two outcomes and the probability of each will be 50-50. Therefore, you should be prepared, always. What if you actually succeed? Just imagine the countless possibilities.

Looking for the shortcuts

There are no short cuts in life. Because the road to success is not an easy one. The storied personalities you read about have all made it past their trials and tribulations to end up where they are, today. So forget if there is any magic pill or quickest route possible to success.

Don’t beat yourself up

Beating yourself up means constantly thinking, had it been this way or had I taken this path or done it differently, things would have been La La Land. No! It is because at the time that was your conscious decision.  You decided by weighing all the available options/knowledge at your disposal.

Hence, learn to live with the consequences.

In the end, you may start by dropping one practice at a time and don’t be too hard on yourself by dropping all at once.

About Author

This is Ron David by name, I am retired teacher. Based in the UK, I am helping student by my core skills of Assignment Service - Assignment Bliss. I have written many books which provides help student in their Higher Education.



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