The Craziest Bachelor Party in Jaco Beach Costa Rica

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Since my mid-20s, I’ve been to and been part of many countless Bachelor Parties, many of which have been quite unique in one way or another. We’ve been all over the North American continent to celebrate and party; from the freezing-cold, snowy mountains of Whistler, down to the sunny, humid shores of The Keys, and it’s always been a blast. Well, at the ripe age of 35, the day we’ve all been expecting finally came to pass: I got engaged. For starters, I was the last one left out of the group, as well as the fact that none of the guys would ever miss a chance to get away and party – so naturally, this Bachelor Party they would plan for me would be a big deal. After a little research on their part, along with the dire need for some extreme change in their lives, my buddies decided to do the Bachelor Partyin Jaco Beach, Costa Rica!

On a cold, December morning, we met at the airport, all of us a hundred percent ready to embrace the hot, humid Tropical climate of Costa Rica. During the flight there, drinks in hand, ready to party already, the boys started telling me about the weekend they had planned and all the things to do in Jaco Beach. They had hired the services of an agency there called Jaco VIP that had not only planned everything during our stay, but also would be the ones taking care of things. My buddies told me all about the itinerary – everything from surfing lessons to adventure tours, from fine-dining to clubbing – oh boy, was I excited. The next five hours of the flight left me impatient, yet super excited to discover the wonder that would be Costa Rica!

We were received at the airport by a super-cute girl with a Jaco VIP t-shirt, by which we recognized her as our Concierge for the weekend. She led us into an Air-Conditioned Mercedes Benz Sprinter van which drove us over to Jaco Beach in about an hour. Upon arrival at the Beach House, we had rented for the weekend, we at first marveled at its size and luxury, and then went absolutely wild, running around like children, checking the place out. This rental was truly amazing - 10 bedrooms and bathrooms, games rooms, living rooms, a large fully-equipped kitchen, TVs and Air-Conditioners, stocked bars, and a badass pool deck with a grill, hot tub, and an outdoor swimming pool facing the ocean. Immediately we jumped in the pool, and on cue, the music started – that was the work of the DJ who was hired to keep us partying it up all weekend. Within minutes, the Bartenders appeared with trays of cocktails for us – and so began the party! Before long, the air smelled of grilled meat – the Private Chefs were at it! We had burgers and hot dogs under the hot sun, along with cold beers, and spent the first few hours in Costa Rica, having a good time, partying by the pool!

After the day-time partying had come to an end, we walked off onto the beach to watch the sunset – truly spectacular, too, with all its Tropical ever-changing colors. We then headed out for dinner, to a place called El Hicaco on the beach, that apparently specialized in seafood – and boy, was it good! We ordered several hot starters, the fried squid exquisite, and for my main course I ordered the Fried Red Snapper which was mouth-watering and delicious! Bellies now full, we headed into town to party. We bar-hopped for a couple of hours here and there, Orange Pub being a place worth mentioning, where we met a group of Koreans whom we invited to join us at the club later. We went over to Republik later that night, and brought the Koreans along too, and ended up having a great time. We danced, drank and partied until the break of dawn, and all watched the sunrise from the beach before heading home for some shut-eye.

The next morning, we were up annoyingly early to begin the day with some surfing! Sluggish from lack of sleep, we tumbled onto the beach where the surf instructor awaited us. At first, we were taught how to stand and move on the board, on land, and then we hit the water. It was comical, really, a bunch of grown-ass men constantly falling into the water and wrestling with every incoming wave. Hangovers a thing of the past, we headed out for breakfast at a place called Green Room, where I had the greatest coffee ever, some pancakes and Eggs Benedict – an absolute delight! After breakfast, the van picked us up and took us over to our first adventure tour of the day. We first rode some ATVs through the beautiful green countryside for a good couple of hours, until we reached a rainforest. We hiked through the rainforest and came upon a waterfall where an instructor was waiting for us. He set us up with all the equipment, and one by one, we rappelled down the face of the waterfall – what a blast! We all cooled down in the water afterward. After having dried off, we mountain biked through the forest for about an hour, to the other side of it, where we were greeted by yet another instructor by a river – we got our gear on and jumped into our rafts. Rafting through the wild rocky rivers was awesome – we all loved it! Last, but not least, we went zip lining over the canopy of the jungle – it was beautiful! I had never seen so much green in my entire life.

Exhausted and hungry, we returned back home right before the sunset. We all chilled in the pool, sipping on cocktails until dinner time. For dinner, the Chefs prepared for us an amazing seafood meal consisting of lobster tail, ceviche and tuna tartare – delicious! We relaxed by the pool for the rest of the night as the guys teased me on my upcoming marriage and filled me in on all the ways my life would never be the same. “Nah,” I said with full confidence, “I’m ready for this.” They all cheered and chanted as I took another sip of my beer and stared out into the ocean and listened to the waves as they crashed and rolled onto the beach.



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