Top Reasons to Prefer an Arborist over DIY Methods

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Every plant and tree is a living being and they also suffer from health issues like humans. For big public parks and orchards, some experts are hired who can take care of the health by cutting, pruning and adding essential nutrients to roots. Every plant requires a different kind of environment to survive and flourish. If you want such kind of information from experts then hire an arborist. They are considered as tree surgeons that carefully identify the problem and implement customised efforts to salve it. From leaves trimming to tree removal service, everything can be availed from these experts.

Nowadays, a new concept of DIY (Do It Yourself) is trending in which highly qualified experts shoot videos of doing a complicated work in a simplified way. Every viewer thinks that it is as easy as appearing but there are some technical specialisations that can only be learned with experience. When it comes to the tree care, many people consider DIY methods as the best solution but their experiment ends up damaging the whole tree. The professional tree removal service providers have special skills to perform every job perfectly. There are many reasons why arborists are recommended over DIY. However, before going further you need to understand the common problems that persist with all plants.


Common diseases that infect plants

1)    Bacterial spots and Blight

Both spots and blight are different things but caused by one infector called bacteria. The warm and wet weather of ending summer and monsoon is the main reason for small raised spots formation. On the other hand, bacteria cause blight to leaves in cool and wet weather. You can easily identify it from yellow spots that turn into brown colour. When bacteria infect a plant in this way, it needs to be removed completely in most of the cases. However, an arborist of tree service in Melbourne can save it by using some special preventive measures.

2)    Aphids Invasion

Aphids are parasitic insects that survive in almost any climatic condition but become hyperactive when new leaves are grown. They rapidly multiply in a warm environment and high nitrogen circumstances. When you notice a small green or yellowish coloured bugs eating leaves, immediately spray rubbing alcohol or wash the plant with soapy water. If problem is still persisting, hire a tree removal service expert who knows the permanent resolution of this issue. Cucumber mosaic virus is also caused by the same aphids that turn the leaves to yellow coloured spots.

3)    Canker

Unlike other diseases that affect leaves of trees, canker damage the bark of a tree. From trunk to shrubs, it affects every part of tree and the consequences can be seen as decaying of outer bark. If not treated timely, the disease goes deeper and kills the branches one by one. The main reason of canker is bacterial and virus infection due to wet weather conditions. If you find the symptoms of this disease in your garden, immediately remove the infected area with the help of sharp tools like pruning knife and chisel. If the situation is out of control, contact an arborist for tree services in Melbourne province.

4)    Powdery mildew

If you see some kind of dust sticking on the leaves of your plant, don’t consider it as a normal thing because it can be powdery mildew. Basically, this is a fungus of white or grey colour which is hard to identify at the initial stage. When you touch the leaves, this powder rubs off easily. After infecting the leaf, it can invade the whole plant. From flowering plants to big trees, it can infect everything grown in your garden. Only the spray of fungicides can help in removing this powder effectively.

5)    Plant rust

Rust of plants is something different from the rust of metals. In fact, more than 5000 species of plants rust are found till now which is probably the highest in number. It is a kind of fungal disease that easily spread from one plant to another through air. When rust occurs, it turns the leaf into brownish yellow or orange with small spots. Defoliation and slowly dying branches are the common symptoms of this fungal infection. The experts of tree removal service use sulphur or copper-based fungicides at initial stage. If the problem goes worse, elimination of plant is the only way to prevent rest of the garden or orchard from infection.

Why arborists are better than DIY methods

1)    Proper knowledge of plants

An arborist has complete knowledge of plants and their natural habitat. Consulting with them before plantation is a good idea because they suggest the right location, soil and fertilisers for ideal growth. Those who are planning to start the business of orchards must consult with an arborist for proper utilisation of investment.

2)    Experience of working in dangerous locations

The job of an arborist is not easy, especially when it is about the removal of broken branches or trunk from residential location. Whenever you find a broken tree adjoining to house or office compound due to cyclone of wind, call to a nearby tree removal service provider. Doing it by yourself is dangerous and broken branches can also damage your property. Arborists have enough experience of safe removal from branches to trunk.

3)    Special tools and chemicals

Some special tools are meant for every job whether it is or an arborist or computer engineer. Only those who have tools and enough knowledge of using them can prevent your garden from getting infected or ruin. Also, some plants require proper chemical treatment due to the fungal, viral or bacterial infection. Only arborists know the right tool and right quantity of chemicals for treating the diseases.

4)    Tree safety assurance

When you implement DIY methods, the probability of negative results always remains higher because of the less knowledge and improper use of tools. This may cause permanent damage to the tree and you cannot blame anyone. On the other hand, arborists of tree services in Melbourne take full responsibility for tree protection. They inform you in case if removal is remained as the only solution to prevent resto of the plants.

Always choose wisely when you need an arborist because unskilled people can damage your property and plants. Find a certified agency of arborists like Daryl’s Tree Care where certified arborists are available to serve you with heir 20 years of experience.



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