Top tips for booking wedding transportation

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“I'll meet you at the altar"
"I'll be the one in white!”
― Stephenie Meyer, Breaking Dawn

Weddings are special. If your wedding is around the corner, there must be a lot to plan. You have to look for a place for wedding, buy a wedding dress, arrange for caterers and so on. One of the things that we usually forget to pay attention to is the transport and we all know that last minute planning can go really bad.

Plan your wedding transport a few weeks ahead so you do not have to deal with the hassle when the time arrives. Here are top tips for booking wedding transportation:

Stick to the budget
Since you would have already spent a considerable amount on the wedding preparations, you need to stick to a budget when it comes to choosing the transportation option for your wedding. Take into account the distance you will be traveling, the fuel consumption for the miles and so on. Get free quotes from several companies before you make a final choice.

Get creative
If you think out of the box, you will have plenty of options for wedding transfer. You can consider choosing a horse-driven carriage if you want to experience a fairytale wedding or you can choose to opt for a bike if you and your partner prefer that. If your spouse is a teacher, you can even opt for school buses. Go creative!

Go for wedding limos
Talking to many couples, we found out that they preferred hiring wedding limos in Melbourne. They all had the same reasons: to travel in a stylish, comfortable and luxurious manner.

In a hurry, do not forget to intimate the transportation company about the venue, the details of the route and the timing. Make sure that they have your personal contact number so they can reach out to you if they have any questions. In fact, make a list of alternate routes as it will come handy in case of traffic jams. Get all details in written so you have a confirmation. Believe us, this is one thing you shouldn’t go wrong with.

Follow the above few tips so the wedding goes smoothly. Your choice of transport should depend on your taste, if you want a more classy touch, you can go for vintage cars or bikes or if you want something more modern, you can pick limos. Be sure to ask your spouse about what their preference is.




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