What to do with a New Invention

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You will have thought of a new big idea that is practical, convenient and efficient. Prototypes were manufactured and they’ve shown all your family and friends who encourage you to bring your idea to stores. The important thing with a new invention is to protect your idea and proceed systematically with smart business plan to get your product to market.

Patent your invention

Your invention is not yours until you do not own a patent for the design specifications and prototype. Contact the US Patent Office and ask for a provisional patent application ("Provisional Patent Application" in English). You can do it yourself or you can hire an expertise like Fort Worth patent attorney. This application is an inexpensive way of protecting your invention while being evaluated. This strategy costs $ 75 and lasts 12 months. Use this time to get an assessment of your invention. The National Inventor Fraud Center provides information to consumers about inventions and how you can advertise your ideas without losing money.

Development and manufacturing

If you have not yet created a prototype of your invention, this is the next step. Needs to be tested and must assess the costs of different manufacturers for different amounts. You can partner with manufacturers who are interested in your product. Find an investor for initial capital or invest your own resources to produce a limited amount. Search distribution points and dales evaluating your invention. Determines which retailers will be interested before starting the production of a large amount of product. The last thing you want is to invest much time and money to have a garage full of things that have not been sold.

Distribution and Promotion

There are plenty of ways to distribute products these days. You can create an eBay or Amazon store. Create web site offering information about your products and enable consumers to purchase directly. If your development efforts generate orders, look for ways to maximize the outlets with chains and special promotions. A very effective way to promote and distribute a new invention is to provide an infomercial or info-commercial. An infomercial is a special half hour or an hour. An info-commercial is a product promoter in less than two minutes gives viewers a web page or telephone number to order your new invention.

About the Author: Steve enjoys writing on almost any topic. As on an obvious choice, he picked writing as his profession as a freelance writer. He has a keen interest in digital promotion and marketing. He is one of the brains behind the content curation site- Rulzz.



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