Why Parents Should Be Concerned About Virtual Reality?

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Virtual reality is mind-blowing, engrossing and completely immersive. Each day, new methods and platforms are added to VR. That means no one really knows what the future might hold. If statistics are any way to measure things, then people should begin to pay attention to. In particular, parents of children who may be using or thinking about utilizing VR technology. According to recent data, the sale of virtual reality headsets increased dramatically in time for the holidays. It appears a lot of folks decided to give their loved ones VR goggles or equipment as Christmas gifts.

Interestingly enough, the number of individuals who searched for VR related content, spiked significantly the day after Christmas as well. Millions turned to the web to search online for sites which offered visitors VR content. One of the industries which experienced the biggest increases in VR interactions was the porn sector. Several sites saw the VR porn genre jump past dozens of others. In fact, the category rose by more than 600 percent! Those are staggering numbers to consider and alarming for parents. It is safe to assume some of those who viewed adult-related VR material were children under 18.

Viewing regular porn through a computer screen is something kids have been doing for a long time. But in many cases, parents are able to catch them or it is harder for the kids to hide it. However, kids are able to conceal what they are viewing a lot easier when they put on a pair of VR goggles. They are the only ones capable of seeing what is playing before their eyes. That makes viewing pornography through virtual reality headsets much easier for them. Still, even that is not what should be alarming.

The reality is that virtual reality porno is interactive and almost realistic. Many believe in their minds that the characters they are seeing in the videos are right there for the grabbing. That can be a problem for young children as far as addiction is concerned. Not to mention, the negative psychological impacts of what type of adult content they may be looking at. Coincidentally, it is not that the kids may be watching pornography via VR that's concerning on its own. While that in itself is something to be worried about, there are other issues.

First, no one really knows what side effects - if any - there might be from viewing too much VR content. Secondly, unlike other forms of marketing, virtual reality is extremely powerful. In fact, many experts claim that it is the best and most efficient way to deliver information to people. Keep in mind that virtual reality has been around for many years. But when it comes to how it is being used now, it basically in its early stages.

There are bound to be new breakthroughs in the coming months or years. Already there are hundreds of thousands of apps people can use with VR gear. You also have gaming consoles to throw in the mix. If you thought that regular gaming was addicting, playing games in VR form may be even higher. Some parents are already seeing how 'lost' their kids become the moment they put on a pair of VR headsets. It is as if they are in their own little world. In truth, that is exactly what takes place the moment you put on a pair of virtual reality goggles. You immediately become engrossed and immersed in whatever it is you are watching and doing.

In addition to these concerns, parents also need to worry about any possible health effects VR use may have. Add the impact of kids not being able to tell apart reality from fantasy. Since VR is so realistic and vivid, it can end up confusing some of them. In order to address some of these concerns, research and studies on these matters have been taking place. There are also surveys which ask parents about their fears regarding VR technology and their kids who use it.

Overall, more than 60% of parents questioned were worried. They were concerned about any possible harmful health effects VR may have. Not only on the development of the kid's brains but their health as well. This even though no one really knows if there are any long-term effects at all. On the positive side, parents surveyed were happy with the educational advantages VR technology could offer. More than 62% of them said their children may benefit educationally from using VR.

In summation, parents should be somewhat concerned about virtual reality. Whenever you have something that no parent knows what impacts it may have on their kids, it is always a cause for alarm.



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