Why Vaping is Better than Smoking

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Smoking is an unhealthy habit that tragically cuts short the lives of millions of people every year. Unfortunately, many people take up the habit every day, though there is a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes, one which still delivers nicotine and relieves the associated cravings – vaping.

Vaping is the term given to the use of electronic cigarettes which use an e-liquid to deliver nicotine. Although nicotine isn’t exactly good for you, as tobacco cigarettes contains approximately 6,000 different poisons, it can’t be denied that vaping, which uses Propylene Glycol/Vegetable Glycerine as a carrier for the nicotine, is a much healthier alternative.

In fact, so much better for your health is vaping that it’s ‘one of the best ways in 50 years of improving the world’s health’ according to the Daily Mail. If you’re looking for a healthier alternative to tobacco cigarettes, investing in an electronic cigarette and ordering a tasty E Liquid from Vaper Empire will see you enjoying better health immediately. There really is no time like the present to make the switch to a healthier way of getting a nicotine fix.

The Harmful Effects of Smoking

The way that smoking destroys human health is well-documented. Here are some of the harmful effects of smoking on your health:

  • Smoking has been estimated to increase the risk of coronary heart disease by 200 to 400%, strokes by 200 to 400% and lung cancer by 2,500% in men and 2,570% in women.

  • People who smoke less than five cigarettes per day are still at risk of coronary heart disease, strokes and lung cancer.

  • For asthmatics, smoking increases the risk of asthma attacks and can also aggravate attacks, making the symptoms worse and more dangerous.

As you can see from the examples above, smoking is a deadly habit, one which can cut your life short. What’s more, you’re also putting others at risk with what’s known as ‘secondhand smoke’.

Save Money as Well as Enjoy Better Health

In addition to the many notable health benefits of e-cigarettes, many people are making the switch from smoking to vaping because of the cost savings. Cigarettes have been slapped with tax increase after tax increase for as long as most of us remember, with the current prices significantly more than many people can afford.

While many people have switched to rolling tobacco from ‘tailor-made’ cigarettes, there’s even more to be saved by switching to electronic cigarettes, plus leading vaping companies offer a great range of rolling tobacco flavoured e-juices, so if you’ve got a craving for the flavour of a rich Virginia rolling tobacco, you won’t be disappointed with what you find. A tobacco flavoured E Liquid is a great way to make the switch from smoking to vaping as you’ll still get the taste and the nicotine that you’re craving, but without all the harmful chemicals that will destroy your health.

To enjoy better health and more money in your pocket, switch from tobacco cigarettes with their thousands of chemicals to a healthier, more affordable alternative – electronic cigarettes.



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